Today I wanted to talk to you about believing in yourself, believing in your creator and having faith in yourself and God, and your creator. If you don’t have this one down pat, in the center of your heart, then I really to think it will be hard to succeed without it. It really all starts with believing in yourself and your creator that is guiding you every moment of your life.
When you don’t trust or believe in yourself you can attract others that try to take advantage of your lack of belief. I was not very confident or believed in myself in the past and I remember I would doubt myself and I would stumble and I like to think that stumble still, but in a cute way and quirky errors are ok and I am happy about it 😉
So believing in your self! How can you not believe in your self? Especially when you realize that your creator made you perfect. You are a perfect divine creation and holy creation. And I understand that as we grow, and we are still blocked, it is very easy to believe in the doubts that physical illnesses might straight up for you. You might have OCD or some kind of genetic disorder.
And you have challenges, and you have you have genetic challenges from your family line, you have negative habits that were passed down from your family line or your own karma. Maybe you were bullied or made fun of when you were a kid and maybe you were criticized. All of these things can add up to not believing in your self. I remember all these things happened to me in my childhood that manifested in different ways.
I still have people that attack me trying to make me feel less than, so you have to be on guard always about this belief in yourself, because we might take that in at any moment and start to believe their attacks at any moment on an unconscious level.
But none of that outside challenge is the truth. Its just simple not the truth, the truth is that god made you perfect holy and you are fine just as you are. And whatever you are embodying now is enough to go to the next level in your life.
So I want to invite you and challenge you today to believe in yourself. I believe in you because I know the profound perfection that God made you to be, it is your turn to believe in yourself.
Much love to you, xo