Meet Divina
Divina is a guide for men and women creating freedom and abundance in money, relationships, health and life!
Divina Caballo’s passion and purpose is being a catalyst for men and women who want to create the best version of them, their life purpose, health, relationships and every facet of their lives. For the past decade she has been and continues to be a business mentor to many people as the founder of
The FreeSpirit Abundance program is based on two decades of her experience and the successful results that it has accomplished for our members. Divina has created a model that predictably helps you grow your revenues to unlimited income that you desire. It all starts with the subconcious beliefs and blocks to remove all the limitations. It also deals with any super-conscious blocks of creativity and higher wisdom for your life purpose and we deal with that also through the program.
Founder of FreeSpirit
Divina likes to say that the best version of your life and the results of your life always correlate to the how much the best version of you has been unblocked. It always starts with working and growing the three minds. Super-conscious, conscious and unconscious and we have the most cutting edge technology on the planet to do that. As Edgar Cayce who channeled the universal mind says “It is through the mind that leads to the “Christ”” that word Christ, can also be replaced with, UNLIMITED ABUNDANCE, LOVE, FREEDOM, JOY, HAPPINESS, PEACE, HEALTH, PERFECT RELATIONSHIPS. You may say, but what about marketing, doesn’t that lead me to abundance? Sure, marketing is absolutely important, but you cannot have unlimited abundance with limited beliefs that say “I am not worthy of money, and I am not good at marketing” you will always sabotage it, no matter how much marketing you have.
Divina is the author of the #1 International Bestselling book “Reawaken Your Authentic Self” She is a Master Certified Coach for Enlightenment healing from her own certification program. Divina is a master healer that channels the divine and pinpoints exactly the blocks that are stoping your from achieving success in your life. Divina's gifts is in identifying the blindspots that you would not normally see that are misaligning you from achieving your greatest potential in your business and your life.
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